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Story Behind the Song: Disregard, Destroy, Defy

We were jamming with Laci (who was still playing bass at this time) and István, our first guitarist when István came up with the main riff for this song. While we had tremendous fun jamming to it, it started out as kind of a joke if I remember correctly, something about the basic 4-chord punk songs and how they all sound the same.

And that's the thing about punk. It has this rawness to it, this primal power that comes from revolting against everything. Punk is more about screaming at a world you think you don't fit in, than it is about sophisticated chord progressions and difficult time signatures or melodic solos. It shows the middle finger to society and everything and everyone that looks at you sideways, because you don't belong. And that was the perfect backdrop for the text I had written around the same time.

Laci back when he still played bass in razordoll.

When writing songs I sometimes play around on the guitar and when I come up with something that I like, I build on it and then either I go through my vast back catalog of texts I've written over the decades, or I write something in the spur of the moment. And then there are times when I have texts that I have been sitting on for a few years, never quite managing to place them on a musical backdrop, and suddenly it just clicks. And then there are the rarest of cases, when I have a single line that is in my head and I build the song around that.

I had this idea stuck in my head, that I wanted to have the left headphone shouting in my ear 'well fuck that' and then the right headphone answers with 'disregard, destroy and defy'. The riffs we played around with turned out to be a perfect fit for this.

Now to fully understand the story behind the song there's one more piece to this puzzle I need to talk about. I was living in an apartment on the fourth floor at this time, sharing my digs with my girlfriend and our two cats. One morning I was sound asleep in bed when someone started pushing the doorbell at 6 in the goddamn morning. I was so pissed I naturally did not want to get out of bed to open the door to some stranger, also I was sleeping naked and could not be bothered to find and put on some clothes for an idiot who thought it was funny to lean on the fucking doorbell while it was practically dawn.

The same thing happened the next day, and the day after. I decided early on that I was not opening the door, even after this someone started knocking on it. I willed him to go away and go fuck himself or something.

A day later, when I was walking up the stairs to get to my apartment, my downstairs neighbour opened the door and started yelling at me that I should stop throwing balls for my cats at 6 in the morning since he can't sleep, and when I open the door to my bathroom I should do it in a quiet manner, and when I flush the toilet he can't sleep either because it's too loud. I was standing there, jaw dropped, when he finished his ranting and disappeared in the safe confines of his own private mental ward and slammed the door.




I have had a deep rooted mistrust in society in general and people in particular ever since I figured out that the basis of human interaction is the ability of each individual to shroud their own little true self in several layers of lies and thick layers of mascara to hide their hypocrisy behind. And this sad little excuse for a human being continued his daily habit of pushing my doorbell and knocking on my door, until I decided to disconnect the doorbell. My way of giving him the finger.

He tried to talk to me several times after this, ambushing me in the stairwell and in the parking lot, and I kept ignoring him. Like walk past him and not even acknowledging his presence ignoring him. Wether you are on the internet, or trying to walk to your car, here's what you should keep in mind: don't feed the troll.

It didn't work.

Well, not in the way I had hoped it would. See he stopped the doorbell business, the knocking, the unsolicited holdups on my way to my apartment. But I got an official letter in the mail, the motherfucker filed a noise violation lawsuit against me. While he was harassing me in the morning while I was in bed trying to sleep, he filed a lawsuit against me because of his delusions.

Fuck humanity.

This was the perfect backdrop for our little 4-chord punk song. I wrote about that sad little excuse for a human being and how my frustration and hatred for him grew until I could just blow up the whole world to get rid of the human infestation.

In the end he lost the lawsuit (he could not prove anything, since nothing actually happened), and we put Disregard, Destroy, Defy on our debut EP, dysnomia.

How's that for punk?

Disregard, Destroy, Defy (from 2009's dysnomia)

Another powermonger with a cynical grin Bitching for hours and hours about a miniscule thing He likes power more than nothing this he can’t deny (Well fuck that) disregard, destroy and defy

So he fathers hate and the deadliest sin So damn self-centered he thinks he’ll always win He feeds on broken dreams, my morbid desire (Well fuck that) disregard, destroy and defy

This is what i feel This is what i feel This is what i feel This is what i feel

Delusions build his ego there’s just no turning back And his mindless little ranting makes my mind wanna crack But the years have made me strong, here is what I did find: (Well fuck that) disregard, destroy and defy

This is what i feel This is what i feel This is what i feel I’m gonna blow the world to pieces

(I’m gonna hit the motherfucker!)

Another motherfucker with a cynical grin Bitching for hours and hours about a miniscule thing He likes power more than nothing this he won’t deny (Well fuck that) disregard, destroy and defy

This is what i feel This is what i feel This is what i feel This is what i feel

(Stay away from me) this is what i feel (Stay away from me) this is what i feel (Stay away from me) this is what i feel I’m gonna blow the world to pieces

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